Right after the show we started to decimate the 1900km to Berlin. We dropped of Flo and Bianca at the airport in Sofia as they needed to be back at work the next morning and drove till Budapest. We were able to get a last-minute show for Questions there. Shitboy drove the first 12 hours straight through Macedonia and snowy Bulgaria, I took over on the ferry crossing the Danube river in bright sunlight. Questions played the show, we found a cheap hostel and used every hour we could get to catch some sleep. Before leaving Budapest we payed Gorilla Vegan Büffe a short visit. The European king of hardcore and king of all roads Jaki quit his hardcore career to run a small vegan restaurant in Budapest with his wife Ivett. The giant burgers were a good base for the 10-hour drive to Berlin and somehow everybody was in a good mood, which couldn’t even be spoiled by the first and only pullover by the cops, shortly after entering Germany. Shitboy has been joking about how this would happen for a few days now and sadly he was right. Nothing bad happened and the Brazilians, especially the few German words Edu knew, put a smile on the faces of the cops. Finally we arrived in Berlin, went straight to the rehearsal room to unload the equipment one last time which was always the most depressing part of every tour. Now we were back in the real world.